Eyes Talks Feelings

Eyes Talks Feelings

By: Utkarsh

Image result for your eyes says everythingHello everyone, today is the day before deepawali and I am in my home-town for celebrating this festival with some free mind and brain of studies at least once in a year. 

So, are you able to understand the heading of the article, even if not, you will understand it. Today, you may understand it theoretically but there will be ‘one day match’ between you and someone through which you will come to know that eyes are those organs which can talk with others’ feelings.

Image result for Indian bride on bedImage result for house decorated with lights and jhalars to look like brideI came to my home-town before some days. I had to clean the home and to maintain many electric appliances, which were switched off from May or June. I had also to guide the person who sets led light bulbs connected in series connection and is known as झालर  in hindi, so that he can place them correctly and my house is looking as beautiful as a bride for marriage.

Many of you, specially my friends might know that my life is full of co-incidents. The heading of this article is also derived from one of such kind of co-incidence.

Image result for camera and deepawaliThe situation was like I was outside my house, capturing some good landscape of the house which seems to be a newly married bride but in blue lighting with rainbow background due to down-roof mounted leds. 

Image result for gsdMy dog, who was tied in the portico was barking very loud, disturbing and creating fear inside the peoples passing through house and that street.

It was evening. Co-incidentally, someone approximately ±2 years of my age and of the same class but of my ex-school, passed behind me. Her mom said something like she feared of dogs and I turned behind. I don’t know how even she had moved some steps forward but she turned back, our eyes matched with each other and she smiled and I think with that short period, thousands megabytes and terabytes were downloaded and uploaded. That moment remained for just 4-5 seconds but I was hanged and nothing came up from my mouth but still I thought, I had transferred and received many things without even speaking a single word.
Image result for file transfer
After that I turned back and I think she would also had, maybe. I then busy again in my work…

Image result for we can never see the world’s most lovable things, neither we can touch nor we can take it by someone, the only thing we can do is to “feel it” and ‘memorize’ itAccording to me, we can never see the world’s most lovable things, neither we can touch nor we can take it by someone, the only thing we can do is to “feel it” and ‘memorize’ it. You cannot take it by someone but you can give to those, whom you love the most. This feeling comes from the bed of the ocean of your emotional heart. It is both voluntary as well as involuntary. 
Image result for feeling energy
Sometimes, you know that you are giving those feelings as a form of energy for someone and sometimes it happens without even you come to know. I also think, it can never happen in conditional love, so it is easily understandable, where it can happen.

Image result for experiencedIt is not the first time when I experienced this instead it is the time, I am able to share it for my pleasure.
Image result for love is one sided
It was the experience of my home-town, but many of you except my closer one’s do not know that nearly from last many months, I am blessed with this talking 99%:01% with someone in the temple of knowledge, where I am stable from past one year.

Image result for eyes energyWe know, energy can neither be created nor can be destroyed but can be changed from one form to another. Same way, I believe, our thoughts are such kind of energy which can be transferred without any physical means by converting them into various forms, which include direct/indirect signals from organs especially which is assigned for vision, that is your eyes.

Image result for affectionI believe that when something is conversed with ones’ eyes, it effects and affects the opposite one the most. However, it also depends on the thinking ability and thought process of those for whom the message is.

Image result for unconditionalThis talking between your feeling and someone’s eyes or might be your eyes and someone’s feeling can be classified in unconditional and conditional depending on what that person or might be you, thinking of.

When I received such feeling, I don’t know why but I achieved a feeling of self satisfaction for a while.
Image result for self satisfaction

Thank you.
Feeling happy after sharing.
Author: Utkarsh


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