Image result for image of pink heart

By: Utkarsh

Hello everyone, today I will share some relation between physics and biology. There is a term ‘puppy love’ which is the synonym of ‘crush’.

I heard this term, ‘puppy love’, for the first time in class Xth , in May, when our biology teacher was discussing this, which was happening in class VIII and IX. Coincidently and unknowingly, I was involved in that. This made various types of diversions for my brain and just distracted me from my path. However, I controlled myself from being distracted and tried to put myself on the track.
You should know that when I have some problem or a new knowledge, I become eager to tell it to someone, who is close to me or whom I trust. So, I shared maximum (in class) with my friend Sujal, I shared 60-65.2% of whatever was going inside. I shared 49.5-60% with Mr. P. Jaiswal (PJ) and Mr. V. Mishra, when I had stayed in the hostel for a week. I should appreciate Mr. V. Mishra (VM) for his detective nature in finding what is going in my brain? what am I talking about?, whom am I talking about? et cetra.

Mr. S, Rai also was able to guess a rough sketch related to puppy love by correlating my facial expressions and body language in class, He had told the name of the person but I denied, as he can’t digest any matter, he just vomits out in front of everyone.

I must appreciate the detectiveness or the detective nature present in VM. He had caught the name of the person because of whom I had written this article. According to my hostel experience, PJ is the great thinker and he thinks anything very deeply till he did not find it’s roots.

Recently, in September, it was high time for me and I decided to share all this with someone, who had experienced and will be able to help me. So, I talked with my favourite teacher on this matter and many others as well.

Sir told me that whatever is happening to you at this age is normal and happens to everyone. All the children in your class are facing this, but no one tells, they just keep with themselves.
After listening to him, I understood that never say about this love to the person with whom you are in love with until you are in school level because it is too early with a temporary bond. You can do of your wish in college life.

According to the title of the article, a concept is related to understand all this in a better way:

According to me, there are two types of cases to understand the impact of crush biologically by comparing it with the impact of the crash between two cars physically.

Case I: In this case, the puppy love is half of the half-perimeter of the square. This can be represented by the equation given below:
 ½ { ½ (perimeter of square)} -->  ½ { ½ (4*side)}

  = ½ { 2*side} --> 1*side --> single sided (Ans.)

In this type of case, when according to me the puppy love is the answer of the equation of case I (i.e., single-sided), then it is like you are driving a  blue car who have crashed in the back of the pink car. Now the situation is like, you are in trouble as the heart
of the car (engine) had crashed as well as crushed, the driver of the pink car is just shocked and trying to recognize, what had happened? The second car on whom you have the crush is more affected than you because you have transferred your momentum on her car. So never try the first case. Hence it proves, why sir is right.

Case II:  In this case, the puppy love can be expressed by the half-perimeter of square formula, that is given below:

Image result for image of perimeter of square

Half perimeter of square= ½ (4a) --> ½  {4(side)}
= 2*side --> 2 sided (Ans.)

According to me, cases like case II can be dangerous if it is the age group of schooling. It can create and convert the situation of yours that you will felt to be in like a cold war. Yes, it may be safe, when you will be in your college life.

This case can be described again by a concept of crush between two cars face to face.

Imagine you are driving a blue car but your car crushed in the pink car coming from front toward you. In this both have crushed into each other with the equal impact or the unequal impact
depending on the situation of speed.
Both, you and the driver of pink car have equal impact on the heart of the car (engine).

Here, your momentum has transferred on her and her momentum on your car.

This type of crash/crush accidents have great impact which can be temporary in some cases and can be for lifetime in many cases depending on your reaction after the accident.

You can try second case in college life but not in schooling, which will be good for your health.

Leaving these cases, the feeling of more IMFA (Inter – Molecular Force of Attraction) in the adolescence is normal. In adolescence, we can observe that physics start to apply automatically in various 
ways on us, as according to physics, “unlike attracts and like repells”.  All students gets charged (charge is divided in positive and negative), boys take one group of charge and girls another group. The IMFA increases and IMS (Inter – Molecular Space) decreases.

Note: All the above mentioned feelings/emotions/actions/reactions/my article/my feeling/et cetra are the natural factor happening at this age.                  

Thank you.
Feeling happy after sharing.
Author: Utkarsh


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