Unconditional – Love Is Thoughtless Involuntary Action!

By: Utkarsh

Hello everyone, today I will talk on real love, on which many of you are confused about.  What comes in your mind, brain or heart when you hear the word ‘love’.  Many of us take it as a weird word if discussed publicly instead it is a holy word actually. Many of you may also take it negatively, however, I think we should be able to discuss this topic openly.

What do you understand when you hear this word, ‘love’? Please share your answer with me either face to face or with an indirect medium.

The ‘real love’ is ‘unconditional’. You may be in a relationship but you may not have love in between you and whoever you are in the relationship with. Now many of you may again take the word ‘relationship’ in the wrong direction, so the relationship is not only limited to your life-partner or married couple, instead, it is a wide term.

A relationship can be of various types, which means you might have a friend, dance partner, life partner, blood-relation, girlfriend, teacher, crush, boyfriend, brother, sister, family member or even life partner or etc. You met with a new living being, it may be an animal, a new relationship is created, so you are surrounded by various types of relationship.

Now, what do you mean by ‘unconditional’? As the word suggests, it means something from which you did not have any desire or you don’t want something. For example: the desire for money, the desire of new ones, peculiar desires, etc.

Unconditional simply means without reason, ‘with no conditions’. In other words:

This type of love is literally one of the rarest in the world. However many of us are gifted with such kind of love to give others but only a few of us give. Leaving all these the universal unconditional love can be observed in between a mother and her child especially in human beings.

You know why the unconditional love is thoughtless involuntary action? It is because it starts without even we come to know that we are in it. Our activities changes, you start feeling happy in those moments and you want to capture those moments. So it was all about involuntary action right. Now, let me explain to you what is ‘thoughtless’.

Thoughtless means you can watch the person continuously without thinking anything, it means you are completely thoughtless/blank while you are watching that person. You don’t have any feeling coming up, neither have any desire, nor have any reason to think of. Now, it doesn’t mean that you do something which is inappropriate or unacceptable by the person present there.

So I think:
“Where there is no thoughts coming while watching someone in happiness, There is true unconditional love present, which you cannot observe at the moment.”

According to me, we experience this unconditional love from our mothers but we should also try to share this experience with an unknown person whom we think is right to share with. However, you don’t have to take the stress of how you can have this type of love. You just need to make a folder containing the characteristics of ‘unconditional love’ in your sub-conscious mind and it will happen automatically as it is involuntary action.

I think, generally, this is given only from one side because the person to the next side receiving this love takes much time to understand it and this time taken by her/him gives a drawback of the most powerful, unconditional love.

The one and only powerful, sad and weird drawback is that the person to whom you give unconditional love will go away from you after sometime just like a diverging ray from a bi-concave lens or convex mirror. There are very less chances that you would be in contact with that person even after getting diverged.

By thinking of the future diversion, I remembered of only one song “Kabhi alvida na kehna…”. This drawback makes it temporary else it have the capability of making every relation as strong as the diamond!

Thank you for giving your precious time.



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