
Showing posts from May, 2019

Maturity in Youngsters

Maturity in Young Age By: Utkarsh Hello everyone, today I will be writing on the topic of ‘matureness’ or say ‘maturity’.   This maturity is about the level of self-control in conversation, thinking or even  practicing something which they already had experienced of and had received a lesson, an experience to deal with the situations of the same kind. Often our parents or elders tell us that children will become mature, once they become adult, adult is any one above the  age of eighteen to twenty-one but it’s not like that. “Matureness does not comes with passing years and or age but it comes with a situation you haven’t been through”. I believe that matureness is nothing more than a positive response based on an old experience of non-guided situation. Children may show biological and bio-chemical matureness at the time or after puberty but this is not something, I am talking about. I am talking about physical matureness and  the way how you deal the situations o

Simple is not easy

Simple is not easy By: Utkarsh Once again, hello everyone! I hope you all would be doing great and many of you are in inertia. Maintain your x-t graph and you will unknowingly achieve where your focus is. Before some moments, I was trying to forget some thing 1, but I was unable. This phenomenon is precisely described through a Bollywood Hindi song of the film “ Aabroo (1968)”. Although my learning of years of history is very weak but I learned by trying to forget it. I know, it’s very simple to forget something/ someone/ some place, etc. or say it’s very simple to think about solving even five problems of mathematics daily or even revising your class work but do you know, all these things are not easy. They are really very difficult in reality, when you start trying to complete and follow them. We know that anything practiced in limit is good for health and if you exceed than that thing will start to spoil you by  making itself an ‘addiction’. But, do you know, our