Maturity in Youngsters

Maturity in Young Age

By: Utkarsh

Image result for caringHello everyone, today I will be writing on the topic of ‘matureness’ or say ‘maturity’.  This maturity is about the level of self-control in conversation, thinking or even practicing something which they already had experienced of and had received a lesson, an experience to deal with the situations of the same kind.

Often our parents or elders tell us that children will become mature, once they become adult, adult is any one above the age of eighteen to twenty-one but it’s not like that.

“Matureness does not comes with passing years and or age but it comes with a situation you haven’t been through”.

Image result for pubertyI believe that matureness is nothing more than a positive response based on an old experience of non-guided situation.

Image result for attractionChildren may show biological and bio-chemical matureness at the time or after puberty but this is not something, I am talking about. I am talking about physical matureness and the way how you deal the situations of the same in oncoming life as sometimes events of construction or destruction too.

According to my observation, I have seen very matured children, who really think twice or might be once but like adults before performing any action and tries to observe the future result. They know how and when to say ‘no’ in a situation, for example, in natural attractions. They know, how to keep themselves focus on the work they are engaged.

Since twenty-seventeen, I had seen three of my fellow-mates(friends) who are really very amazing children. They are like normal human beings but once you observe them and see them conversing at anyplace, anytime or in any situation, you will come to a conclusion that their decision making is fast, correct as per the long run condition and intelligent too.

They will listen you very deeply and will respect what you think heartedly but will never share their thoughts or life events, which made them so matured and the same is visible in elders too.

One of them was given the top most position from every class mate and the other is one of my best friends but I am self-confuse with either to be happy or to be angrily-sad on him of what he had described in the last moments of changing the schools. And he was the one from whom I learned the lesson that:
“Do not grab opportunity, instead attract your opportunity towards yourself”.

The other was the one, who did the great job and responded a situation positively which was mistakenly created by me as a three-dimensional illusion or a thermal-whirlpool and I, myself had forgot the way to escape from it. However, she not only escaped herself from it but helped me as well.

In my new school, I again saw a boy, who gives quite smile, behaves decently and in mannered way but seems much more mature than his age. He is really as sweet as his name. And as he had self-control, he is good in studies too.

Something, which I learned from all of them was that:
Image result for danger
“Never create Y-factor between pleasure and studies, let them be parallel and balanced because once they intersect and coincide, you will get imbalanced between their results. Observer yourself carefully!”.

Thank you.

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