Simple is not easy

Simple is not easy

By: Utkarsh

Once again, hello everyone! I hope you all would be doing great and many of you are in inertia. Maintain your x-t graph and you will unknowingly achieve where your focus is.

Image result for simpleBefore some moments, I was trying to forget something1, but I was unable. This phenomenon is precisely described through a Bollywood Hindi song of the film “Aabroo (1968)”. Although my learning of years of history is very weak but I learned by trying to forget it.

I know, it’s very simple to forget something/ someone/ some place, etc. or say it’s very simple to think about solving even five problems of mathematics daily or even revising your class work but do you know, all these things are not easy. They are really very difficult in reality, when you start trying to complete and follow them.

Image result for health destructionWe know that anything practiced in limit is good for health and if you exceed than that thing will start to spoil you by making itself an ‘addiction’. But, do you know, our lives is full of addiction. Addictions generally bring a negative sense to your brain but not to mine. According to me, even the exceeded amount of study is addiction but it is not the negative process. Though, all addictions follow a rule, called rule of health destruction.

This means even addiction of study, which is good, can cause a defect. So, by keeping this in my brain, I was trying to remove a predefined subject as this subject was entitled to a subject of my course “Science”. Now, I have transferred this addictive subject to a particular part of Science, called as “Physics” as still that subject often act as mystery for me.

Image result for chargesThere is a mindset of some people, which says that those students, whose Physics is better, they will also be better in mathematics too, which does not applies on myself. From this, you can understand, that how simple is it for me to choose the flowing stream, where Physics is attracting and mathematics is repulsing and I am trying to balance both of the charges.

Image result for steve jobs
I don’t know, how it happened but the notebook which I had made for mathematics have a cover page with the large white written quote of Steve Jobs in black-Pink background, which says: “The only way to do great work, is to love what you do.” Actually it’s very simple and clear to you all but it’s really very difficult for me to follow the same.

Image result for sources of energyThe subject with which I have to do great work is mathematics and it’s really extremely difficult for me to go against my nature and principle and then love this subject because I love Physics. This is the reason why I say (to my friends) that when love is true and unconditional, you will surely experience an unwanted pain which will calm and soothe you with the addition of adequate amount of energy in a convenient form over a long period of time.

Image result for indicationI am using this source of energy from the described location in the above paragraph to focus my focus on the focus without any distraction of either something1 or anything1 and also trying to let others focus their focus on the desired focus.

Simply, it is very simple to write a blog for me but it’s not that easy for many of you to understand what I am conveying through my words.

Thank you.

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