People with name 'S' are loveliest and shy!

‘S’ Are Always Staggering Stunning and Saccharine

(Exceptions are always living.)

By: Utkarsh

Image result for s in heartHello everyone, today I will be presenting my thoughts on the people whose name starts with the letter ‘S’. This idea of writing article on such a beautiful topic rose from someone but this is a living fact in my life even at present time and I hope, it will be continued always.

Image result for sparePeople with this starting letter are just not limited to the above written representing words but they are even much more. They are sugary, strict, schmaltzy, shy, and sporty and are always ready to work as spare part for you. I met with numerous people with starting letter ‘S’, including both lads and ladies but however females carrying this starting letter are surprisingly stunning.

If I dive into the flashback of my starting, the first name whom I am always connected as the first from birth is of my amazing, wonderful and most admirable women is my mother. She was just not caring as like a mother does but also was the first one for the explanation of the topic, which I love the most.  J

Many people had come in my life who were extraordinary, fantastic and amazing but they were always placed after my mother. The second person with this starting letter is my father’s elder brother who is always of caring nature beyond the invisible fences and had done uncountable things which can be just felt with true feelings. Then comes, my younger sister.

My younger sister caries the name, which means the ‘wealth’ but her other name starts with ‘S’ and it’s meaning in Hindi language is courteous. However, as like brotherhood bonding, I unwillingly tease her and make her angry to such an extent that she often erupts her anger out very strongly.

These were the people in my family of the closest shells of Bohr’s atomic structure and I assumes myself as Uranium, that means I have many shells and so the number of people with ‘S’ but will be describing only those whom I think should be described here.

Image result for first friendNow, let us dive a little deeper in my world of friends or school-mates. The first friend who carries this alphabetical letter was Shubham Saxena. He was my friend in Upper Kindergarten (UKG) and was of very shy nature but he used to exaggerate his anger on the girls between whom he was sandwiched.

Image result for boy sitting between two girlsChildhood is the time when even punishments given to a child until class 7 or 8 is like wow but at that time many don’t enjoy that punishment, when teachers uses to set our seats between two girls of the class as a punishment for talking with friends. However I was unique and I enjoyed sitting between them as well. Oops! I derailed from the flow, Let’s continue.

Image result for best friendThen, I was promoted to class 1st, where he left but I made another friend, Shubham Singh, my best friend, who is still in frequent contact after so many beautiful past experienced years. He is one of the participants in my favorite’s lists. I left him physically when I changed my city for higher education but he is present very close chemically.

Image result for fruit basketAfter coming to Lucknow, the first person with the starting letter ‘S’ which I heard to meet as the best performer in previous class of the joining school was the ‘basket’ from the receptionist ma’am. Instead, the first one to whom I met face to face and in living moment was Mrs. Shilpi ma’am (biology and class teacher). She was our class teacher, though many juniors and even some bus-mates and class mates scared me of her by talking about her strictness towards the wrong deeds of others but I am the one who first experiences and then suggests. So according to my experience, instead of being of the same polarity, she is much of the person, who can listen you and try the best to solve the issue of any kind.

Ma’am had detected my problem as I believe that every teacher in school can be given the position of second mother, (but for readers: exceptions are always living) and from here I got one more personality to add in my ‘S’ list. She is just not a personality but also have the capability to create, change or embed a beautiful personality into you.

I was the ‘first case at first sight’ for Shalini ma’am, who was the first councilor of the school. Every reaction takes some amount of time until not speeded by a catalyst for a strong bonding and so, it happened with me as well but that time is the excellent graph of non-uniform relation-speed time graph with peaks and valleys. This is the only reason why she was the closest person in the whole school or say of my life until that time. May be even now.

Image result for gemsShe put her best effort to enrich me deeply with important gems. My thoughts started to become my words after her presence and guidance. The one who used to become nervous between a group of people and never liked to talk with even classmates, now enjoys to be in the center of people and himself tries to start a conversation with strangers. Isn’t it incredible?

I first time spoke to again a person with name starting with ‘S’. He was Sujal who later became best friend and have still maintained his position. He is also my advisor to whom I consult before trying something for the first time and believe me he really suggests awesome ideas. We use to lunch together, often sit together and slowly the bond became stronger when I started visiting his house and start understanding the type of person he is.

After him, I met to Satvik, whose name again starts with the letter ‘S’. He is the innocent, silent boy who used to talk only what he means. He is the Social Science lover and is really outstanding in historical dates and incidents. He is a good friend who talks everything with his eyes. If you can read his eyes, you can easily know, what is going inside his brain. He is as pure as his name.

Image result for train on railAfter so many S(s), my life was re-railed and had achieved a better velocity and then suddenly slowed to change the velocity into speed by taking a bit more turn in the month of May 2018, where I met another one with the name starting with ‘S’.

Although she was with us as classmate from very beginning in IXth and was the basket holding different fruits also suggested by receptionist ma’am as well. She was like a friend as being classmate but in May after starting the conversation slowly, I realized that her advices are also as awesome as Sujal with more level of deep-thinking and reasoning and so I included her also in the list of advisors. I hope, I had described the role of advisors previously.

She is an excellent live example of abundance of courteousness. Her artworks are highly appreciable. She is extremely sensitive as well. You have to think twice before speaking and think more than ten times with proper choice of words before writing anything which she would listen or read as well.  However this I learnt from a mistake that does not matter to anyone else and even many don’t know as well. She have a team who are spare for one another for different situations, which is the best thing of the current time. She is unique in her own way of thoughts and lifestyle. She is one of its kind and you this type of friends are even not found after so many searches. So always try to keep them as precious jewels. Let’s skip to next; else I will pull you deep in my black hole of thoughts.

Another person with name ‘S’ whom I thought to be the one with sporty personality is the first sim in your phone. Not literally, she is Simone. She is the Shizuka of team Dorami. You make her play any game, and I warranty you, she will defeat boys’. She is unique in her own way.

Image result for pulsar rs 200Samrat, the king of speed is the another one with starting letter ‘S’ who have some coinciding moments like others in my life as well. He was not too close, even not like a friend until I did not spent a whole last month understanding and observing him. He is the one who will never let you feel despair and loneliness can never come near you in his presence. His sense of humor is so good that you cannot live without giving a smile on his words.

Image result for code inShivam is another one in list of ‘S’, who is often represented as Mr. S. Rai. He can be partially in the list of exceptions but he is sugary and according to my experience, dare to convey the critics before you, instead at back. He is often teased for his goatee-beard and have the opposite behavior than pedophiles as he searches for double the age of him. (Don’t take it seriously/negatively.)

Our English teacher, Shilpi ma’am is also included in the list of names starting with ‘S’. As I believe English teachers always have strict personality and so I had fear of her as well. But, this is also true that strictness does matter for better performance of children and results. I observed her more precisely in the last time, we all were together. She is very caring, sweet, unique and understanding as well. 

Image result for spywareAnother person with the name ‘S’ with the addition of spying property is my computer teacher, Mr. Sarman sir. Before a month, he was guru but after taking the tour of him in some coinciding moments, I came to the conclusion of applying different clients with server in center and using networking to receive the pre-observed situations sent to him as request, which is validated and sent back with gain of information. He is not an ordinary person, he have a sixth sense with mathematics applied to sense chemistry. He is outstanding in computing any calculation, whether of mathematics or of real life.

Image result for detectiveSir have a young, attracting personality which was the cause of automated attraction of others in DL-NCR with some daring elements to play TDS on him. This attraction was visually detected prior by my class-girls followed by boys as girls are born spy.

Enjoyed really well, writing this article.
Feeling happy after sharing.
Thank you.


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  1. S for Superb
    S for Special
    S for Stands out of all the blogs Keep writing God bless you!

    1. Glad ti read your blog Superb!!
      By the way my name first lettlee also with "S" Shivam Mishra😊😊

    2. Thank you very much for giving your comments.

  2. My name may begins with 'M' but it means 'Sweet', which starts from letter 'S' :)

    1. Thanks for writing your views. By the way, I know and I also had observed you in past ten days that you are really different than others in class with a very sweet nature.


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