Image result for MYSTERYBORN SPY

By: Utkarsh

Hello everyone, today I will be presenting my thoughts before you about the topic today, ‘Born Spy’. So, what comes in your mind when you hear the word which is the title of this article? Take your full time but answer it anywhere, either at down section or may be orally.

Image result for SPYGenerally, when we hear the word, ‘spy’, we try to relate it with someone who is a living being with an intelligent brain and would be a part of any country but this meaningful sentence of hindi: “ΰ€•ΰ€Ήीं ΰ€ͺे ΰ€¨िΰ€—ाΰ€Ήें, ΰ€•ΰ€Ήीं ΰ€ͺे ΰ€¨िΰ€Άाΰ€¨ा!” would fit perfectly on that person.

Spy is use to represent a secret informer or agent, who watches the movements of the enemy or a scout without being spied.

I had heard about different spy and their spy-work many times, but until and unless you did not find and experience it in your life, I do not think, you would get the proper meaning of what is a spy and what is their work or how intense their work is?

Image result for LIVE OR LEAVEThere are two ways to live your life:
1.  Live the situation.
2.  Leave the situation.

It depends on you, what you select and at what time you select because you can never rely on only one way for whole life, you would be tasting other options too.

Image result for BLACK TIGER RAWOne of my favorite known spy was Ravindra Kaushik, commonly known as the “Black-Tiger”, who had helped in many Indo-Pak wars as he was a good and a high rank officer in the defense section of Pakistan, he later changed his name to Nabi Ahmed Shakir for Pakistan officials. He was the best spy from RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) India, sent at the time, when Mrs. Indira Gandhi was the prime minister.

Leaving the high profile spy(s) like him, let’s come to our level of spy-work. So, had you ever tried to spy someone at your level, might be to keep check on them, or to gain some other information? Even if you had tried, you are free to share it.

Image result for SPY DATA
I do not know about you all but yes, I had not only tried gaining the diverse knowledge and information even bypassing their low security privacy but I had decrypted, collected and stored in the form of encryption in my different e-gadgets which even if decoded would require to change the numbers into texts by understanding weather it’s my language or ASCII. So, never ever try to biometrically touch my super secured folders. It all started when I shifted my location from 277001 to 226030 which is near 226002, because I was introduced to networking and many platforms based on this network. Don’t think much about those numbers, they are just PIN codes.
Image result for DRIVE LOGO
Although I have low security patch drive containing one of the most important resources but no one even try to think that it can be there.

Even I have many resources and platforms to gain different information using third party cookies and my right part of brain but I also prefer to take help from some juniors who does the same work as of spy and are those people, who could not be identified easily. I thanks to them for providing safe protocol for data exchange.

Image result for ITS NOT FAIRWhat if I say or write that whatever you read after 6th paragraph and before this paragraph was just rubbish, which I took out to clean some space of my processing unit by deleting the .cache files in the form of texts, wasn’t it interesting?

Image result for bORN FOR SPYNow, let’s come to the topic, “Born Spy”. This is my thinking for born spy, don’t take it in a different way, take it as it is.

According to me and with my view of perception, all the girls on this earth, who born on 147929000 km2 of land area are actually those, who can be given the title of ‘Born-Spy’ anytime, anywhere depending on the situation and the kind of spy-work, they had contrived on any type of mission in which they were the part of it.

Image result for TRAINING FOR SPYSo, why do I think, they are the born spy? It is because, generally when an intelligence department employs the spy, they were trained for the situations and pushed to different categories of practices. However, if you had seen some movies, or might had read the news somewhere in which ladies were involved, you would easily relate that they don’t need much practice except some basic information or process instruction to strive their task until it is not approved.
Image result for 15 december
Today, that is 15th of December, 2018, an incident took place in school which acted as primary sector for this secondary sector to pen it down, which will be soon published to tertiary sector for public.

Image result for keep spying on me
Image result for FLASHBACKWhat you do when your privacy related information leaks automatically by the confident guess-work of any other unexpected person? I was like shaken from inside for three to five seconds, however I did not cross checked my answer and the answer flying in the brain of Miss AarV as I don’t want to listen it in a class. I know, many people had made a guess work because of electromagnetic induction embedded in my seating pattern and even if I put myself under the observation of last three months, I can go in the flashback and realize who are those spy in my class who had spied me so seriously.

Image result for KRISHNA AND GOPISEven if I leave this matter, something different which I learnt from these ‘Born-Spy’ were that we can also become like them, and a live example is shown by Mr. Krishna of my class who is favourable as his name and who is one of the great reporter working for a local made spying community amongst the group of students. He used the method of ‘watch and change’ under the category of ‘Induction’.

There are three methods of changing yourself:
  •    Time can change everything and you as well.
  •     Induction with someone and absorb their quality by observing them.
  •       I am the one, who can change myself.

Remember all the three points but use it differently at different situations else your brain will automatically adjust the configuration on any of the following depending on how would you like to change.

Image result for keep spying meKeep spying others and yourself  by others as well, as you will come to know about many new loopholes and faults, which you might not see with your internal eyes within yourself.

Keep Spying.                                                                             Be Safe.

Thank you.


  1. 😊😊😊😊😊nice thoughts .....keep it up
    all the best for future plains πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


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