
Showing posts from December, 2018


White Light In Prism! By: Utkarsh Hello everyone, today I will be presenting my thoughts, which are freely flowing in the ocean of brain and the air of heart. Today, it’s my second try to write an article to present my thoughts but as I did not liked the captioning of first article, so, I discarded it. Let’s leave the discussion on that article and shall try to live in the present. So, as I generally ask and no one replies, my common question is “What came in your brain/mind/heart/feeling, when you first saw the caption of the article?” I would be very happy, if I would get any reply from your side as I like to read others’ views as well. You would know, what is dispersion, or the concept of dispersion of white light through prism. So, today’s topic is directly proportional to this concept. Until I was in class VIII th , I did not assumed my class as white light but now in whichever class I am, I think, we, the students of dot (.), are the pure, intense, bright white ligh


BORN SPY By: Utkarsh Hello everyone, today I will be presenting my thoughts before you about the topic today, ‘Born Spy’. So, what comes in your mind when you hear the word which is the title of this article? Take your full time but answer it anywhere, either at down section or may be orally. Generally, when we hear the word, ‘spy’, we try to relate it  with someone who is a living being with an intelligent  brain and would be a part of any country but this meaningful sentence of hindi: “कहीं पे निगाहें, कहीं पे निशाना!” would fit perfectly on that person. Spy is use to represent a secret informer or agent, who watches the movements of the enemy or a scout without being spied. I had heard about different spy and their spy-work many times, but until and unless you did not find and experience it in your life, I do not think, you would get the proper meaning of what is a spy and what is their work or how intense their work is? There are two ways to live your life: