White Light In Prism!

By: Utkarsh

Hello everyone, today I will be presenting my thoughts, which are freely flowing in the ocean of brain and the air of heart. Today, it’s my second try to write an article to present my thoughts but as I did not liked the captioning of first article, so, I discarded it. Let’s leave the discussion on that article and shall try to live in the present. So, as I generally ask and no one replies, my common question is “What came in your brain/mind/heart/feeling, when you first saw the caption of the article?” I would be very happy, if I would get any reply from your side as I like to read others’ views as well.

You would know, what is dispersion, or the concept of dispersion of white light through prism. So, today’s topic is directly proportional to this concept.

Until I was in class VIIIth, I did not assumed my class as white light but now in whichever class I am, I think, we, the students of dot (.), are the pure, intense, bright white light as like stars. We are white because I believe, white have every colour inside it in latent form. This white light which is a part of visible wavelength, was formed in the year 2017 in the heart of UP.

We, all the colours were separate first but some converging mentors at correct angles helped us to merge till the end of
the session 2017, however after we start to stand on our feet and were slowly merging with each other, those converging mirrors who will always be at the topmost of my heart diverged from us because of some reasons, which are unknown till date. She often meets us occasionally. After diversion, many mentors tried or even not tried to come in contact with us, but we never shown interest in them. Even if we have to share something, we share only to her, about everything including, academics, sports, games, adolescence, juniors, teachers, friends, et cetra and she shows her interest in listening too even in solving matters as well.

When 2017 was present for me, those children, who were one of my good friends are now the one to whom I never talks; Those children who had complaint about my activities are seem to be fit in one of the dohas of Kabir Das and so are
my favorites; Those children, whom I never talked or had given importance in 2017 are the ones who are my secret keepers, and those who never talked to others are highest in their eyes but lowest in mine because of their nature.

After 2017 rested in peace for the time of billion and trillion years, I got a new present from my competitor/ friend/ enemy/ mentor/ myself/ momentum/ inertia/ the one who never stops/ or whatever you call to “Time”, and the name of that present is 2018. This present will be soon resting in peace after 10 days.

Present 2018, had given me those things, actually which neither I was capable of nor I had kept them safely, nor I was knowing their importance until it was not the last three
months for ending of 2018 and coming of board examinations. That means this present year had presented me by giving one of the best present of my life and it was X.

One of the common questions, which I listened from different peoples after meeting them for a long time is “Who is the best student in your class?” and I would like to share my answer with you all.

So the answer for the question: “Who is the best student in my class?” until class VIII, he/she was a particular student but now I use to say, “No one is best in my class. The one who is good in mathematics, is not good in computer, if is good in computer than not in Geography, that means no one is good in every subject or can be called as ‘all-rounder’.”

This means, we are of different colours. Today we are in combined state and are seems to be white light but I know, one day will come which will separate us and give us an opportunity to become master of our own field of interest.

The school, which acted as colour mixing laboratory in 2017 and combined different coloured rays to form white light, will now in 2018 is acting as prism and diverging us. As the time is passing by, we are going away from the other face of the prism and are being separated by others partially as our outskirts are still in contact with our succeeding and preceding colours as well.

As you might have noticed the title carefully, “White light in prism”, this means, we all have just entered in the prism and will be getting diverged soon, so become ready to be the ‘Master’ not the learner. Prove yourself here and I guarantee, someone will act as inverted giant prism in future and will collect all of us and again will reinvent the white light.

I would like to thank you all for acting like a family in the class of same age group but with different mental power. I would also like to thanks the mentors for not only being the teachers but also being the friends to understand and solve the different childish and adolescence and quarreling matters.

I don’t know, whether the God had written any intersections with you all and one of my favorite student with me or not but I know I am capable of writing a1/a2 = b1/b2 and form an intersection with each and every one of you atleast once and maximum like the number of points on a coincident ray, that is infinite number of times.

Generally, at the present age, people are gifted with distraction and loss of focus by the center of attraction, on the other hand I used that center of attraction for focus and attraction towards subjects by making that attraction the fuel to study that subject, isn’t it interesting?

According to me, after revising the words which were spoken by one of my secret keepers, this is something which causes difficulty when that is out of range. I told unconditional, they told infatuation but I would like to clear it that the one, who is center of motivation and attraction is different and the other, who is center of pleasure(not a negative word)  and distraction is actually a different person. So, your concept of infatuation is also right, and my concept and believe of unconditional is also right but at my place of interest. Some concepts are those, which are understandable only when they are explained at the right time and I know, this is much prior to explain it.

After collecting data from hundreds of places around the globe using VPN (Virtual Private Network for bypassing firewalls of different countries and regions; it is legal until not used for crime purposes) and
other resources, I observed, the physical age of children is really very low but their mental age is much more than my expectations. It was really amazing experience to go through this project.

Writing and presenting my views in the form of blogs helps me to release my tension in the form of mental pressure and also helps me to attain my lost focus from the other subjects by increasing the area of thinking, which also helps in improving my thinking speed which results in fluent output.

Thank you.
Feeling happy after sharing.
Writer: Utkarsh

Official blogsite: www.utkarshblogs14.blogspot.com
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