
The beginning of Pink Age

It is the starting of “ Pink – Age”! By: Utkarsh Hello everyone, you all may hear of different ages or different time periods, since the human beings came to this earth. I am not good at the history, so, I didn’t remember much, but at least whatever I remember, I will tell you. You all may be heard of ice-age, stone-age or golden age, etc., but in this article, I will tell you about “ The Pink Age ”, which is in its beginning and no one knows.  It will remain for a very long period of time. You also would not be known of this age, today I will describe this age. I hope, you all may had seen car racing or you may have played video game of car race or heard about it. So, I’m taking the example of car – racing and will relate maximum things with it. Let assume all the boys as car ‘ blue ’, all the girls as car ‘ pink ’ and audience/society as commentators (who comment on mic about the race). Now, Let’s start from past or from beginning or starting of the race .

Independence Day - The Day Of Goosebumps

­­ IND EP EN DE NCE DAY – THE DAY OF GOOSEBUMPS By: Utkarsh Hello everyone, how are you all? On August 14, 2018, in the morning assembly, my teacher, who was conducting the assembly asked to all of us, “What comes in your brain, when you hear the word “Independence”? (You can answer too, in the comment section below.) At that moment of time, many children answered whatever comes in their mind like freedom, flags, sweets, National Anthem, et cetra but I remained quiet, I had the answer but I felt nervous at the moment. You may see the answer in the heading itself. Now, you may wonder, why I had given the title “ Independence Day – The Day of Goosebumps”. On this day, when you wake up, what is the first word you hear from someone? it is ‘Happy Independence Day!’, after that when you start your journey from your home to school or wherever you are going, what you hear? It is the patriotic songs which you hear everywhere, this song gives you so much energy that even if you


BEST ENEMY – CHEATED FRIEND By: Utkarsh Hello everyone, I know I am publishing an article after many days as I was enjoying my summer holidays. This article is based on positive revenge taken by me for my benefit. I had diverted all the energy coming from myself for the revenge towards bodybuilding. Before summer holidays, when school was opened, it was last second day. There happened a quarrel or you can say, a type of small, non-physical fight in the classroom between me and NurA ( imaginary but friends can understand). He however took my sentence in a negative way. Let’s first understand what exactly happened… NurA told his feeling and emotions to Mr Rai (last name; classmate). I should tell you a special feature of Mr Rai, he is a person who increases the real sentence in a negative way to see the fight between the two. He is like a catalyst, which puts the fire but did not involve in it. When we moved out of school for departing to our homes, I saw both of t


FAVOURITES  <--> UNCHANGEABLEs By: UTKARSH Hello everyone, today’s topic is 'favourites are unchangeable or unchangeable(s) favourite'. You can choose anyone but in this article, both are same for me. Yesterday afternoon, I was thinking and relating everyone's’favourites and the things which they will never willing to change with anything else. So, I came to a conclusion that those things which are favourable to some someone are never changed/replaced by anything else. They want that the particular thing should always remain with them. Many of you may have a folder in your memory, which stores various kinds of data, in which one would be all kinds of music, habits, expressions, routine, cuisines, subjects, games, sports, peoples, friends, and all other things which are in your “favourite list”. Whenever someone would ask you, what is your favourite subject? Yoy would say: It is drawing, etc. You all may know, that those things which are close to our h

Life Is A Circle

LIFE IS A CIRCLE By: Utkarsh Hello friends, today I will tell you, how we can relate our, human life with a circle. Actually whatever we study is related to us in real life. Have you ever jogged on a circular track with the displacement zero, yes you may have had done. So, what do you observe after jogging? You may observe the following and much more things given below: You have completed 1 round. You have lost some amount of energy as well as calories. You are at the same place from where you had started. Displacement was zero but you have covered some distance. You have spent some time to complete 1 round. You may have had non-uniform velocity, etc. Life is also like a circle as to where we start, ends there only but as spend some time, our looks had changed. Now, comparing life with the above-given points... We have only 1 life as a circle to complete it. We get tired by passing of each and every year. Our looks changes and we become larger in size. An old p


CONTROLLING AC APPLIANCE WITH COMPUTER By: Utkarsh Hello everyone, today I will share my experience of controlling AC appliance with the computers. During our last hobby club we, the children of IT club, had switched on and off the electric AC bulb (220V) with the help of our computers by accessing the local IP address of raspberry pi, which is a small single-board computer. It was my first experience of controlling an AC appliance with the help of a Local Area Network. We can control even from a long distance with the help of internet as the internet is the net of connections, interlinked to each and every computer in the world for sharing information and other resources. Raspberry Pi is a small computer which has 40 GPIO(s) (General Purpose Input Output) pins. Each pin is programmable and the programme is stored in the micro SD card in it. It uses python language for controlling AC appliance as python is the language which helps computers to control hardware with the h


BREATHE AND LIFE – SPAN By: Utkarsh Hello friends, today in the morning, I was just thinking why the dogs have the lifespan of 10-15 years while tortoise has the lifespan of 250-300 years. I was thinking this only when one of my friends told me that if the dogs would breathe slowly, they would live a longer life. Life is directly or indirectly dependent on the breathing velocity. From this, we can understand that the God had given us the fixed number of breaths and it is in our hands, how we use it. Either we breath fast and decrease our lifespan or we breathe slow and increase our lifespan. Do you know, why we say ‘cool down’ to a person who is very angry at someone? It is because when he is angry, he will breathe faster than the normal breath and will consume his total breathes faster than usual. We should always breathe deeply and slowly. Benefits of deep conscious breathing are— 1. Breath=Life. 2. Deep Breath=Less Stress and Better Digestion=Less Inflammati