The beginning of Pink Age

It is the starting of “Pink – Age”!
Image result for male female logo

By: Utkarsh

Hello everyone, you all may hear of different ages or different time periods, since the human beings came to this earth. I am not good at the history, so, I didn’t remember much, but at least whatever I remember, I will tell you.

You all may be heard of ice-age, stone-age or golden age, etc., but in this article, I will tell you about “The Pink Age”, which is in its beginning and no one knows.  It will remain for a very long period of time. You also would not be known of this age, today I will describe this age.

I hope, you all may had seen car racing or you may have played video game of car race or heard about it. So, I’m taking the example of car – racing and will relate maximum things with it.

Let assume all the boys as car ‘blue’, all the girls as car ‘pink’ and audience/society as commentators (who comment on mic about the race). Now, Let’s start from past or from beginning or starting of the race.

At the time of starting of race, both the cars were at the same position. As it is a very long race, which is still going on (comparing to real world), so many time it happens,  when either of the car was moving fast in compared to second one. One is fast, second is slow or second is fast, first is slow. They both have overtaken each other numerous times but however in comparison to pink car, blue car has overtaken more.

Many time comes, when the pink car was overtaken by the blue car. The commentators use to tease the pink car and also it was teased(abused) by the blue car.

There was a state of inequality between the pink and the blue. We all know, when someone is continuously teased/abused/beaten/hurt by someone, two types of feelings/powers come inside him, either positive or negative.
The pink car took all this in the positive sense and started to race/accelerate more. The speed increased and now in the top – gear, it had crossed all the obstructions and came near to the blue car.

After sometime running near to it, a time came when both of the cars were running parallel at uniform speed (that was time of equality in both sexes, that is, male and female). After that slowly but gradually, the pink car started to overtake the blue car as it had more potential, and had overtaken completely.

This blue car was the car, which use to come first in the races, now it is either on second position or on last position. Who is on the first? It is the pink car.

Through this story, I think, I had clear the concept of what am I going to talk here…

Actually, before many years back, we, the boys were superior than girls. It is the truth, but don’t take it in negative sense. And we use to think that girls were of no use and are born to work only household activities. Including this reason as well as the reason of giving dowry in marriages, people don’t need a girl child. However, all these struggles, struggling experiences and demerits has strengthened the females of our society to leave all this behind and stand against it. These incidents hurt on their heart, which given them positive determination.

Girls/females started to develop their will power and became powerful. They become more powerful in various fields and came equal to boys in all expects of life. They rose from the bound of four walls. They started to do the things which was usually done by males of the society. When they started to do so, they faced negative comments, different challenges, et cetra. These all made them as strong as diamonds. Diamond is a material which is the hardest material on earth, it is beautiful and dangerous too.

When girls start doing these activities, they were often teased by some of the boys, not everyone teased, many supported them as well after seeing the potential inside them. They had directed their potential in the right way.
The females were like stock resources and have undefined potential and super – power brain which can defeat the most intelligent boys on this earth also. They had carved themselves so beautifully that they are now most expensive and beautiful thing/being of the earth. Even you cannot compare platinum with them because it will be the insult of them. In directly, they may be highly reactive then platinum but are more expensive and beautiful then it.

Now, girls are overtaking boys in much great speed than expected. They have maintained a high-position in every field and subject.

Often when I think deeply on all this, means whatever injustice they have to go with due to us, I go in another world, I call it “The World Of Imaginary fears”. I think, may be some day, no one will want a boy child. However it cannot happen in real world, which is good.

If we will be like this, as we are, than it may happen as it happens in my world, that we may be teased by the girls. We may then see all the (F= -F) things which happened to girls/females by the boys/males in reverse condition.
I was inspired to write all this, by Pratham after telling him about the incident which took place during extra class in between the fruit – basket/the best and Mr. S. Rai.  

Thank you for reading.
Feeling happy after sharing



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