Physics of Love, Feelings and Attraction ~ B01

Charges of Feelingsand Love Fields

By: Utkarsh

Hello everyone, today's topic is derived from the combination of Physics' first lecture, “Electric charges and fields” and Biology's third chapter of class X but in detail.

I am older than the age of twelve but I discovered method of charging myself and often neutralising recently.

For this particular lecture from myside, here charge means, the property of feelings due to which bodies experiences love and attraction fields.

This type of charge generally have three categories: positive, negative and zero for love, break and attraction respectively.

Now, as per general physics, you must be knowing that loss of electron means positive charge and gain of electron means negative charge but here since there are three types of charges, I would love to express my explaination.

Every body on this earth, preferrably male and female are neutral in charge of feelings. For a child till the age of 16 at an average can maintain this neutral charge in the life. Being neutral means their charge is zero, i.e., they are more prone to attraction.

Do you know, what is electron here? Electron is energy in form of strong feeling which is negative in nature. When a
child comes in a stage of discovering themselves more and more, they find attraction towards another body not due to charge being imbalanced but because of the curiosity of knowing their anti-body in detail.

Here is our 'first law of attraction' which states that, “Every body is in attraction with every anti-body in any of the ways at all the time, until and unless they experiences the loss or gain of electron due to some type of feelings for one another with extensive properties in effect like recent incidents, stress and pair creativity.”

Here I would like to share you something, I was in attraction but someone's gain of electron, see the point, some one gained that negative energy from 'me' which made me positive charged towards her and she had became negative, resulting in 'break' from attraction state. But since I was not in 12th that time I din't knew about it and continued to be in love just due to loss of electron, resulting in love until I became neutral again by diversion of path of body and anti-body. Let's back to my lecture...

I know it would be very difficult for you all to understand this Physics which have no maths in it. And for your information, my paragraphs are not in sequence, I am just writing my incidents and lectures as like the shape of DNA.

Let me write something and express for which I had to first relate it with Physics and Biology and then make my own laws and definitions.

So, you all had made the notes of Charge transfer in your notebooks, if not, you will be making it in your futures but many of you must had heard these terms: Conduction, Induction and charging by friction.

For today this much only, my next lecture can be visited through here: “Method of Charge Transfer/ Masturbation”

Thank you



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