Report On Pornography

Image result for warningReport on Pornography

(Fight Porn: Fight Half Knowledge)

By: Utkarsh

 Warning!:  Sensual content below! Proceed only if you are more than twelve year of age. Feel free to give suggestion/feedback or ask anything about it with your parents/teachers but not anyone else. As due to the secrecy of this topic, many cannot explain the +ve(s) and –ve(s) points properly.
Hello everyone, today I will be writing a report on ‘pornography’ with the information from different sources and some based on my personnel thoughts and experiences. Let’s start about the topic.

Image result for 18+If you had crossed the starting of adolescence or twelve years of age, you must be familiar with the word like ‘porn/pornography’. Commonly, we never have an open discussion on the topic like these but I will try my best to make you view, how I had seen or had observed this weird thing.

I hope, you are clear about the definition of porn, so am not giving it here. I will be representing the relation between porn and its defects. Porn viewing, all around the world is a common phenomenon but as we know, anything practiced after a certain fixed amount becomes an addiction and leads to destruction. Porn viewing in addictive as well as non-addictive amount have several negatives.

Image result for behavioral addictionThough sexual crimes existed long before explicit magazines and various porn sites came into the picture but the tools available to feed a porn addict had since evolved, and this thanks to the internet and other technologies allowing anonymous access to unlimited contents of all levels of explicitness. This addiction is considered a behavioral addiction.
Image result for violence
This addiction is directly proportional to increase in domestic violence, rape, and child sexual abuse.
As this article is the sequential mixture of my thoughts in representative way, thus, this topic, as per different people is categorized into two types: (i)Helpful and ,(ii)Toxic.

Image result for protectionIf we compile various data available, we can understand as like, pornography created by porn industries was aimed to function as a ‘safety valve’ for otherwise aggressive energy. In other words, it was created with the aim that, instead of attacking someone, people who might comit sexual crimes can express their violent desires by fantasizing to unlimited amounts of this content ‘easily’ available and affordable through ‘internet’.

If we go through the news and compare the worst crimes against women, we can find that this ‘safety-valve’ which was designed to stop the particular toxic thoughts is promoting itself in a way and had failed to stop abusive tendencies.

The research is much more complex than these ideas. Scientific questions surrounding sexual violations of innocent children, sensitive women and often men should not be reduced to simplistic soundbites that ignore the enormous complexities involved, while leading people to premature conclusions.
Image result for rapes
We know, our human brain have a unknown tendency of repeating what it stores through one’s optical senses and or hears through the ears, and this is how human quickly learns with an audio-visual system. If I compare my learning/writing method, I can say, my expressed topic becomes more clear to second person if I include relation of that topic with different subjects.

In the same way, “the more senses, you get involved in the learning process through porn, and the more often you see it, the more likely you are to be influenced by it.” It’s just one more reason why consuming pornography is toxic. In simple form it is making you one step forward from consuming something in porn to desiring it in real life. This can lead to hurting in a worst way to yourself and others too.

Image result for fbiThere is list of thousand cases which relates the sexual assault and porn. According to a report from FBI, the statistics shows that pornography is found at 80% of the scenes of violent sex crimes, rapes and strangling after committing crimes too, or in the homes of perpetrators. Those who are in favor of watching it, may think, this is easy to overlook but in reality, it’s kind of tough to ignore.

Image result for profitPeople, present in our society, thinks that it is helpful for them as it helps them to release energy and they are in profit but if I concentrate on profit, then it’s not about the common people who are benefitted, its about the porn-industry, which is actually benefitted from these.

There is not a single official proving or report which can assure us 100 percentile that pornography is 100% responsible for the violent abusive crimes against women because it would then require a sampling of much more than a thousand males, exposed to porn content through puberty and adolescence, while other group to be totally isolated from its influence in all its forms and varying degrees. Obviously, a study that invasive and complex would be next to impossible to set up.

All the evidences and research that shows the connection between pornography and rape are given below:

  • The Michigan State Police Department found that pornography is used or imitated in 41% of the sex crimes they have investigated.
  • The University of New Hampshire did a study that showed that the states with the highest readership of pornographic magazine like Playboy and Penthouse also have the highest rape rates.
  • Dr. Victor Cline did research that showed how consumers that became addicted to pornographic materials begin to want more explicit or extreme material and end up desiring to act out what they’ve seen.
  • Dr. James Dobson interviewed Ted Bundy, one of the nation’s most notorious serial killers, on the day before his execution. Bundy said that the “most damaging kinds of pornography are those involve sexual violence”. The behavior is just too terrible to describe.
  • Two doctors noted in their research based book, Pornography and Sexual Aggression that:

o  certain [aggressive] forms of pornography can affect aggressive attitudes towards women and can desensitize an individual’s perception of rape. These attitudes and perceptions are furthermore, directly related to actual aggressive behaviour against women”.

o  They also found adult porn was connected with each of the 1400 child sexual molestation cases in Loisville, Kentucky and child porn was connected with majority of them.

  • Another review of controlled studies (these studies, describes the relationship between given behaviors or environmental conditions and health effects in a laboratory setting in which conditions other than those under study are effectively held at constant across groups of participants receiving various level of experimental conditions.) found that extensive consumption of the type of pornographic material commonly sold at adult bookstores was positively correlated with an increased self-reported willingness to commit rape or other forced sexual acts.
  • Dr. Dolf Zillman and Dr. Jennings Bryant showed that continuous exposure to this content had serious negative effects on the beliefs about sexuality in general, and on attitudes towards women in particular. They aslo found that pornography not only desensitizes people to rape as a criminal offence but also that massive exposure to it encourages desire for increasingly extreme material that depict violance such as sadomasochism and rape.
  • According to the 2015 study report, it documented a strong correlation between increasing internet availability in India and increasing rates of sexual offences against children – especially the rape of minor/teenage girls.

Image result for women is not an objectPornography use is far from reducing sexual violence, instead it actually feeds a culture that views females/women/girls as sexual objects and accepts rape, it increases aggression as per thousand of reports and controlled studies. The consumers of porn had increased likelihood of using physical coercion to have sex and engaging in sexual harassment with the combination of abusive behaviors too.

It is not that everyone, who is consuming this toxic substance had transformed unknowingly into rapists or serial killers like Ted Bundy but it is that slow poison that not only destroys its consumers but also their loved ones.

Image result for incognitoIn addition to the internet, a range of other means, such as social media and smart phones, enable porn addiction by providing an outlet to view this content anywhere and at any time. These devices also feature to leave no physical evidences of your porn use. One such example, which can be easily listened from the mouths of students in many high schools and next level of education consumer is either using browser in ‘Incognito mode’ or using VPNs to access banned sites in India on telecom networks like Jio, which had already banned many sites to be accessed on its networks.

Several studies estimate that international rates of consumption of porn ranges from 50% to 99% of men and 30% to 86% of women.

Image result for youths of india watching pornography contentApproximately 67% to 70% of Indian youths of the age between 10 and 18 are responsible to have their contribution in watching pornography over internet on different websites. The percentage range varies as I had collected data from different sources. One of the most shocking thing to be observed is nowadays, children below the age of 18 can easily access these sites as there are no verification system, no monitored/parental settings, etc.  

Image result for arousalIf I relate this topic with biology inside a human, then the use of pornography might change the way, the brain reacts to arousal, making a man less likely to feel aroused by a real-life partner. The use of different objects for penetration might desensitize nerve in the penis, making it more difficult to get an erection because the nerves require more physical stimulation. Different types of diseases can be observed with combination of many dysfunctions.

Image result for banned siteNow, as ending this topic, I would like to give you a suggestion, as I know, energy can neither be created nor destroyed but can be changed from one form to another but this input drives your energy in the wrong direction until and unless your half-life is not completed to experience in extreme cases.

Image result for parental controlFor India, I would like to suggest that either there should be complete control over the searches made by juveniles by their parents on google, and for incognito mode on browsers like chrome and opera. The businesses, that uses Wi-Fi routers can prevent this websites using router settings. Parents or the teachers should check the browsing history to keep their computer and children clean from brain, mind and heart.

Thank you

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Also see:
1. Save yourself from the Trauma of Cyber Blackmailing:

2. Be a Fighter not a Victim: Let the Cyber Security Laws help you:


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