Journey of Science to half-yearly

Class 11th: Journey of Science to


By: Utkarsh

Image result for pcmHello everyone, today I will be sharing my half year experience of being in class 11th through Science (PCM). After having the final year board examination of high school, we had enough time to enjoy, learn something new and to decide well, which stream we are going to choose and for which aim will we be preparing for.

Image result for mystery and chemistryMy session of 2019-20 started as mystery but after having the half-yearly(s), it is in the way to become chemistry. In beginning, I enjoyed my holidays completely in forgetting something and developing new ideas, new goal, new target and many new(s). As days passed by, it became a boredom for me to be in the house without any problems of solving mathematics, learning formulae, et-cetra.

I start searching all the routes which goes to my one of the destinations of becoming, what I want to be. I categorized my backup plans accordingly as my principal from KG to VIII had said a very special quote and that was “Prepare for the best but be ready for the worst”, it’s because you a can handle the good/better or even best things but what if life would take an unexpected turn.

Image result for male and female symbolI joined one of the schools, where teachers are good enough but due to the hormonal imbalance, the students in adolescence stage of classes X to XII, equally including both of the common genders, were in open talk at such an extent, which is considered undisciplined according to my dictionary of classifying natures. So as per my correction rule, I without giving a thought, made a visual copy of my soft feeling and softly put them on someone’s mail electronically which later converted to hard copy and resulted in the correction of adolescents of my class.

Image result for pen & paper
As I was a month late, joining the school, so, whatever was being taught, I just note it down inside my huge rough notebook, which helped me in my exam preparations in recent week. Then I realized, that “pen on paper of even someone else’s thoughts never go wastes, until they are useful”.

Image result for medical emergencyThe five subjects, that I had taken were namely, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, English and Computer. I hadn’t chosen them under anyone’s pressure of making me someone of his dreams but was completely my wish. I knew that my Biology was much better than Mathematics, but I did not opt for it. It’s because, I knew if any patient would come to me for any sort of treatments, the hospital staff would have to call another specialist in emergency for me as I cannot see blood, or even can’t think of having myself related to medical background, very deep reason!

Image result for shakespeare heartIn other hand, until 10th Physics used to be one of the most significant part of my Shakespeare heart because it is linked and represents ‘someone’ in form of motivation. Chemistry was all about balancing and imaginary experiment including being the parrot for formulae.

In English, my grammar corrected automatically after I started writing these articles, which you can see in front of your eyes, and the ‘LOVE’ generated last year for not only ‘someone’ but also for ‘many things’ taught me the Literature part.

Image result for mathematicsMathematics was all about how much you practice it’s questions and solve them. “The average number of hours you solve this subject is directly proportional to your marks and percentage in any examination”.

Image result for website languagesAnd at last, Computer because it’s all about binaries, 0 & 1. I love coding for making something unexpected from different programming languages. Creating a website using html, CSS, JS, PHP is awesome but sadly, I have to learn them all from external source as this year we have only Python.

Image result for vectorsAs I had mentioned above, I was unable to catch what teachers were teaching me in Science, however I caught Chemistry after Thermodynamics was started, so I got this as well as Redox and Environmental Chemistry well. In Physics, I read and myself completed Units and Measurements, Motion in a plane but in fourth chapter, I hanged. The introduction of a formula or say tool based topic on Vectors was seem to be more dangerous than anything. Till that I hadn’t read Calculus. And, once I read that topic, I forgot about, that there are much chapters ahead of this in Physics and remained there only till half-yearly as I was unknown of the common facts that half-yearly consists of all the chapters and not the only one topic, which is not going inside your brain.

Image result for android pinkBut now, I hope, this fact is clear to my brain. One of the most distracting object, or say something which is priority for me after attending school is the android. But this time, in these two to three special days, I will try my best to change the face value of priority to it’s true value.

Thank you.

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