Addiction Defined


Image result for addiction

By: Utkarsh

Hello everyone, I hope you all would be doing great in your field of interest. In this article, I will be discussing and presenting my thoughts about the word spelled as ‘addiction’.

It is commonly observed that this word is used to indicate something negative but you may not know that this word can make your weakness, your infinite strength. Just you have to analyze your negative addiction and substitute it with the positive one and this is the basic rule which we also observe in mathematics; that is when negative number is multiplied with negative, the result is always positive.

I was trying to describe my definition of ‘addiction’ since the day when one of my friends understood it in a negative way. Though I can never change the past but can change my future by correcting it within the right time and so, I am here to explain how and what I think. I often feel regression for the meaning that the one understood as I generally never define my words like a dictionary.

What do you understand by the word: addiction, comment down or answer me directly, I am always free to receive your answers.

Addiction is anything which represents the uncontrolled extreme point of physically or mentally depending on a particular substance/object or activity and to give your maximum time practicing the same thing, but do you know how useful it can be if you are not addicted to those things, which consume your time and energy without providing any positive and better results.

I used this word in one of my friendly shareable resources to describe my situation of being away from irregular activities by focusing my addiction on something which I was attracted and was trying to become like that one using induction but this resource resulted in just the reverse effect.

Image result for positive addiction
Addiction is like nuclear radiation, which when used in tolerable quantity, provides treatment of various diseases and when overdosed can take away the life or say can destroy you within seconds.

The negative reaction of that one was boon for me as at that time, my positive addiction was flowing above the controlled limits causing excessive loss of brine solution from bio-optical center of human beings due to loss of two double covalent bonds. Though, later-on I re-gained the chemistry with repulsing covalent bond but failed to establish connection with the attracting atom.

I respect this natural flow as it saved me from extreme pressure on myself which may lead to different unexpected situations.

I hope, you would have understood my meanings in the way I had described. If still didn’t understood, then try to understand this.

Image result for 'porn' textAccording to the survey of Times of India, on an average, 66% of under-age boys spend 7 hours per week while 30% of under-age girls spend 5 hours per week watching porn on a digital media in India. This can be simply defined as very harmful addiction but I also had performed an un-natural survey last year in which I found that many children of my class have different types of addiction, which can be termed as positive addiction.

Image result for cardiac surgeonThere’s a boy Mr. Mathematics, who solved mathematics like an addiction. He never cared, who is coming/going/talking, he was crazy about that subject but he is now floating in the stream of biology as his goal is to become “Cardiac-surgeon”. I wish him best of luck for his aim.

Image result for lamborghini aventadorThe only paired friends who were really balanced with respect to be friends with the combination of their study aim are completely focused and are addicted to their own field of interests. One had aimed for becoming like Ambanis’ and other in administrative services. Best of luck to everyone who are following their field of interests.

Thank you.


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