
Showing posts from July, 2019

Addiction Defined

Addictions By: Utkarsh Hello everyone, I hope you all would be doing great in your field of interest. In this article, I will be discussing and presenting my thoughts about the word spelled as ‘addiction’. It is commonly observed that this word is used to indicate something negative but you may not know that this word can make your weakness, your infinite strength. Just you have to analyze your negative addiction and substitute it with the positive one and this is the basic rule which we also observe in mathematics; that is when negative number is multiplied with negative, the result is always positive. I was trying to describe my definition of ‘addiction’ since the day when one of my friends understood it in a negative way. Though I can never change the past but can change my future by correcting it within the right time and so, I am here to explain how and what I think. I often feel regression for the meaning that the one understood as I generally never define my wor