Brother Doraemon

Brother Doraemon
By: Utkarsh

 Hello Everyone, today I will be presenting my thoughts, feelings and emotions through a famous cartoon character Doraemon and his other friends.

From the very beginning of my high school, in standard IX, I started talking as friend to the one who is here represented as this cartoon character. Earlier he was like a normal classmate and was holding the position of just a friend but now, after spending almost two years with him as a friend, he is followed by best friend and then promoted on the position of brother.

Previously my class was not as much beautiful as it is now after we all had sort out every problem, fight, harmful matters on the day before our final examination of dangerous subject of Social Science. Since that time, this boy had five sisters which was letter incremented with one more. Thus, all those five sister also hold one character each of this cartoon series. I might had never written on such a beautiful topic, if I had not visited Dorami's room provided last month.
I observed Doraemon was trying to talk with Dorami but  she was not responding to the Doraemon nor he was reacting to her sister after her negative response or say no response, which made me eager to ask the reason of this unknown strange matter. However, after some time Dorami left the room. I tried to create diversion from that nervous atmosphere of room to something intresting but I never expected that my passed words was the reason of their clash.

Actually, in the afternoon, I had told Doraemon that today Dorami is looking very cute in the way she had groomed herself and as she was not feeling comfortable from my questions or any comments, so I asked Doraemon to pass this comment to her from his side without revealing my name. As I knew, that she will feel happy after listening that. And I only wished to feel her smile which she bloomes from the bottom inside of her courteous heart. 

Image result for sorry sorry sorry picBy the way, he had passed my comment but when she smiled or had felt happy, he revealed my name as well as the owner of the passed on comment, which resulted in tears from her eyes and switched her mood off. I was hurt to feel about her feelings she felt when she had listened my name.

However they are brother and sister and they know, how to solve their problems, so I left that matter completely onto them and left her room as well. The matter was solved by both of them with some additional help from Nobita, Sizuka and Degisugi.

That day, before this hurting matter, there was also a matter in which when I was present in that room, than except me, Nobita, Sizuka, Dorami and Degisuki were present as well, when a phone call ranged. It was the call for Nobita from Nazis. They wanted to send Nobita to western concentration camp for her better future studies for her intermediate. Nobita started weeping silently after hearing this and so all her friends came around her, snatched the phone to convince her mother to not separate them from each other and also tried to make her laugh as the next day was exam and no one wants to appear in exam with any distracting thoughts which may result in poor performance.

Image result for peacock in hd
Her parents later told that it was just a joke and so she relaxed as now she was not being seperated from their group of 'five feathers with a crow' which I believed to be "Six feathers of a Peacock" because both, the peacock and his feathers were very beautiful and even others, including me wishes to collect the fethers if the peacock allows for it. And the peacock will allow only when his feathers will take the decision independently. 

The way Dorami use to ask for forgiveness from doraemon by singing the given video song with nearly same style made me happy as well. I was unable to capture those moments with an artificial camera but all those memories are and will be always with me as I had captured and recorded them for permanently. Although those actions and their reactions never included me as a direct subject or object but I must say, I was the one who had applied the feeling through induction from a distance everywhere there for safe, happy and unforgettable enjoyment and memories.

Although, I had not described about whom and of where all these experiences belongs, but I know that those people would definitely get the meanings, who are represented here in my words and I can't imagine of their expression but I will really feel like heaven after making these memories immortal before the world.

We were literally seperated after reaching to our destination but we all are connected virtually and can be in front of anyone within a couple of seconds with the help of internet, which is just like degraded version of Doraemon's "Anywhere - door". Although we have this door but often I, myself have to ask many times before calling to any character as I am not too close to them as like Doraemon. 

Yesterday, Doraemon called me in late evening for sharing his feelings and to get some energy from the conversation in the time when everyone was experiencing boredom and a kind of disparity. Although I am un-allowed to ride in late evening or say after half past seven but after seeking permission from my mother I left for his house.

After reaching there, a call ranged from which we came to know that Nobita is extremely sad because she was living for western concentration camp called up by Nazis for her bright and better future. This news was like forest fire, which first heated up Doraemon followed by Dorami. All of these cartoons are extremely frustrated of the situation and the disperson which will take place on the 17th of the current month as they all are thinking from their heart while I was just not thinking from there but is also thinking from my brain for her better bright future, which she may not get it here.

We were on a evening walk and I was walking with a smiling face but my heart was shaken after listenning this news and I wished to have a last meetup with her to memorise her forever and so I would like to dedicate this song to her. I hope, she won't take it negatively, instead she would be able to see the positive side and would get adequate amount of energy which will encourage her to hold all the friends and also increment her life graph towards up!

Although I am not much interconnected with all of them but I was extremely happy when I saw Doraemon's uncountable love for her sister, Dorami, Nobita, Sizuka and Degisugi as well with the addition of Nobita's mother, Tamako Nobi who is representing someone who really cares like mother to whole class of dots.

Feeling extremely happy after sharing!

Thank you.

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  1. thankyou so much .........😭😭😭

    1. Thank you to you for writing your views, by the way, I don't know who you are.

    2. Thank you for writing your expression but who can it be ?

  2. hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahaaaahahhahah, lollll, lmao, lmfaooooooo,,

    what is ranged?


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