
Showing posts from November, 2018

Friends And Friendships

F r i e n d s And Friend ships By: Utkarsh Hello everyone, today when a new councilor ma’am, who is psychologist, came to our class and we were introducing ourselves, so she asked a word ‘friends’. Who are friends?  At that moment, I was completely blank with no thoughts coming in the brain. And then I thought that I should put my effort and write, whatever I understand from the above title. A friend is someone, who is the second closest person or living being after ourselves. Friendships, which forms in childhood, always lasts longer than any friendship formed in any other time period of our lives. The role of a friend is just not limited to sharing and caring but instead they are the one’s whom we trust and feel comfortable to talk and share anything which we like. Friends understands and respects other’s feelings, mental beauty, physical appearance and internal beauty. Friendships have mutual understanding as a common feature. Friendship act as supporters, who alwa

True Love Is One Sided And Unconditional

True Love Is One Sided And So Unconditional ( Love  and Lust ) By: Utkarsh Hello everyone, today I will be presenting my views on “The True Love”, which is always one-sided and so unconditional. So let’s understand, what am I wants to present before you all and how am I think on this beautiful topic. Also I would be discussing some points on lust. Do you know, from where does this world Love, that is प्रेम  in hindi had came from? It is derived from the word परम, which means highest, supreme,  above which nothing is there. We have to be calm, slow, joyful to observe and understand what the love is. We can never understand it in hurry, neither it is done nor you can force anyone to do. Love just happens.  There are three ways of experiencing the true love, those are given below. Either you only think about the II nd   person to whom you are mentally attached. Or you only think about you, even you can see yourself in her. And last but not the least, neither I a

Eyes Talks Feelings

Eyes Talks Feelings By: Utkarsh Hello everyone, today is the day before deepawali and I am in my home-town for celebrating this festival with some free mind and  brain of studies at least once in a year.  So, are you able to understand the heading of the article, even if not, you will understand it. Today, you may understand it theoretically but there will be ‘one day match’ between you and someone through which you will come to know that eyes are those organs which can talk with others’ feelings. I came to my home-town before some days. I had to clean the home  and to maintain many  electric appliances, which were switched off from May or June. I had also to guide the person who sets led light bulbs connected in series connection and is known as झालर  in hindi, so that he can place them correctly and my house is looking as beautiful as a bride for marriage. Many of you, specially my friends might know that my life is full of co-incidents. The heading of this artic