Friends And Friendships
F r i e n d s And Friend ships By: Utkarsh Hello everyone, today when a new councilor ma’am, who is psychologist, came to our class and we were introducing ourselves, so she asked a word ‘friends’. Who are friends? At that moment, I was completely blank with no thoughts coming in the brain. And then I thought that I should put my effort and write, whatever I understand from the above title. A friend is someone, who is the second closest person or living being after ourselves. Friendships, which forms in childhood, always lasts longer than any friendship formed in any other time period of our lives. The role of a friend is just not limited to sharing and caring but instead they are the one’s whom we trust and feel comfortable to talk and share anything which we like. Friends understands and respects other’s feelings, mental beauty, physical appearance and internal beauty. Friendships have mutual understanding as a common feature. Friendship act as supporters, who ...