Conserving and Using My Infinite Energy

Conserving and Using My Infinite Energy

By: Utkarsh

Image result for van der waals forces
Good evening everyone, today after doing irrelevant discussion in aggression, might be happened because of adolescence, in meaningless anger, I am trying to resolve this issue of aggression.

Image result for biological unconditional attractionI know, I have infinite energy in various forms because energy can neither be created nor be destroyed but can be changed from one form to another. Just I need to focus this energy where it is needed the most.

Image result for let it be chemistryI have infinite inactive aggression, which can become active on some conditions, and which acts like a form of energy. However, it is generally destructive energy which can destroy many things perfectly. I also have the “Van der Waals force”, which is another form of weak energy in physical form and is related to physics but I have it in “unconditional” form, which is strong bonding energy in the form of chemistry and also I don’t want to convert my Van der Waals force into biological attraction, which does not comes in the category of “unconditional”.

Image result for control rodsThis means I have both, the destructive as well as the constructive energies, but the Van der Waals forces, if made strong in unconditional form before the right age, can again cause several types of problems, so I should remember to use it in controlled ratio, just for the satisfaction of emotional heart.

Someone had said: “If you want to be happy then don’t let your heart control your brain, instead your brain should control your heart”. This shall hurt someone who have strong chemistry joined through their heart but is a type of truth, which should be accepted.

Image result for blue heart connected with pink heartI will try to combine the two forces like nuclear fusion and will focus, where it is needed the most. Aggressive energy is very difficult to handle. Generally, I am using this source of energy in the form of kinetic energy, and from now, I will try my best to store, conserve and make my aggression, my potential and release it slowly by combining it with Van der Waals forces for better performance.

Image result for uraniumI will try to use my memory of internal connected chemistry of Van der Waals forces and will convert it into kinetic energy, because it should be made a source of potential for avoiding biological mis-happening between the two emotionally connected hearts, which may later change into disasters.

Image result for change your thinking change your lifeMy brain is much more powerful than the whole universe, and my heart have latent chemical energy to build up direct chemistry with anyone on this earth with the help of a Van der Waals forces and many latent talents which can enhance me. Today is the day, from which I will try my best to change myself.

Thank you.
I am in anger.


  1. I took out all my aggression by writing this blog, and have controlled the situation here.


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