Artificial Intelligence Is Not The Blessing For The Mankind

Girls - Slaves - Artificial Intelligence

Image result for AIBy: Utkarsh

Hello everyone, recently my school had organised the inter-school debate competition. Today, that is October 14, 2018 was the final day for the competition. All the participants who were selected yesterday for presenting their thoughts in the form of debate were given the topic AI is the blessing for mankind. They had to prepare for the debate and had to speak on it for 2 minute at least. Some were in favor and others in against of the motion. I was there as audience to see and learn many things. I had learned also. 

Image result for robot in factoryI am always in the against of the high-level AI. The participants had presented many points to prove or support whatever they were saying. Many of them put the point that if human beings are the creator, how can't we destroy/reprogram  them or how can they update themselves. Many said, it is
 the weapon, which will help to strengthen us. Some of the participants who were in against of it said that it would take away the job opportunities of which I am in favor of.

Image result for females over empoweredSo, I will try to put my vision in front of all of you, in my own way of explanation. You might not be 
understanding the topic "Girls - Slaves - AI", I will explain it thoroughly from the bottom of my oceanic heart and universe like brain.
Image result for females over empowered
Image result for females over empoweredIn past, before many years, we, the male thinks that females are just an inferior living being which can be only used as property, in the form of slaves or sex slaves and females of the society did not have any special respected position as the males.

 At that moment of time, in simple words, the women/girls were made to be dependent on the men/boys. We might use to think that the other creation of God cannot update themselves. We had never thought of females overtaking us but it's happening all around the world in modern age. The male part of the society is being displaced by the most reactive and attractive part of the society.

Now, we don't have any control over them, which is good as they are also a free living being, who have the universal right to live the life as we live. They are the independent body. They have updated and updating themselves day by day. They have developed the art of answering back in the manner in which you cannot last for discussion.
Image result for unknown language in which facebook chatbot was conversing
Whatever I had written above will support, why the AI is not a blessing for the mankind. Let us see how?

On July 31, 2017, one of the most famous social media application company, 'facebook' has to shut off the AI chatbot made by them because of the different language developed by the AI for conversing each other in they which was not understandable by even the developer, who was a human being. 

The second case, which happened in America was, an American factory worker, Robert Williams (May 2, 1953  January 25, 1979) was the first known human to be killed by a robot. He was killed while working in the Ford motor company's flat rock casting plant on January 25, 1979.

The third case, which can be observed at a very high rate around the globe is that the robots are already replacing the human workers at an alarming rate. Robots will be the main cause for unemployment in future. According to an analysis by the International Data Corporation, virtually no job is safe.The picture given on the side, showing robotic arms with the frame of a car is of Kuka robots work on Tesla model S cars in the Tesla factory in Fremont, California.
Image result for driverless car hit and run
The fourth case is related to the driver-less automatic cars. There are several news of driver less cars owned or made by Uber, Google or Tesla, which had hit and either caused injuries or death in many cases.

Image result for level of AINowadays, as we are using the low and middle low level of AI, so we think AI will always be under our control and some of the great people think that as like the God (who creates as well as destroys us), if we can create them (robots), we are more smarter than them and would also be able to destroy them, but let me say you something and you should try to understand this. "Even we are not created and destroyed by the same God. According to Hindu mythology, we are created by Brahma and are destroyed by Lord Shiva". Can you ever think of controlling the females as slaves in this world in the country like India? It may be happening at low scale illegally but is now banned. You would be imprisoned for doing so.

The time will come, when machines will not need human interference for taking the decision of their wish, if we don't think on it. Someone have told that people will try to find the solution of this problem before becoming of it as problem. I have a case to present on it. Let's see.

lokendra singh, bjp mla dies in road accident, bjp mla dies in car crash, bjp mla death, sitapur, india news, indian express newsOn the early morning of February 21, 2018, when it was the time of Lucknow Investors Summit 2018 in the Uttar Pradesh's state capital Lucknow. The Noorpur BJP MLA Lokendra Singh died in India's most safest SUV, that is Toyota Fortuner after colliding with the truck in the other lane by breaking the barriers after the driver lost his control from the vehicle. Toyota Fortuner was equipped with 7 airbags, EBD, ABS, frontal beam and what not. This means the company has solved its problem by putting all the necessary  safety features in the car but all the people inside it died. As Toyota Fortuner was on the ranking of India's safest car, a special team for investigation came from Japan to investigate, why not a single person was alive. However, the team did not disclosed the matter.

In the competion in school, one of the participant said that we should leave the matter of creation on God and should not attempt to make our own creation which will put its great impact on human race. I agree completely with whatever she said. 

Thank you!
Feeling happy after sharing.


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