BREATHE AND LIFE – SPAN By: Utkarsh Hello friends, today in the morning, I was just thinking why the dogs have the lifespan of 10-15 years while tortoise has the lifespan of 250-300 years. I was thinking this only when one of my friends told me that if the dogs would breathe slowly, they would live a longer life. Life is directly or indirectly dependent on the breathing velocity. From this, we can understand that the God had given us the fixed number of breaths and it is in our hands, how we use it. Either we breath fast and decrease our lifespan or we breathe slow and increase our lifespan. Do you know, why we say ‘cool down’ to a person who is very angry at someone? It is because when he is angry, he will breathe faster than the normal breath and will consume his total breathes faster than usual. We should always breathe deeply and slowly. Benefits of deep conscious breathing are— 1. Breath=Life. 2. Deep Breath=Less Stress and Better Digestion=Less Inflam...